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Welcome to the Chao World Modding Documentation

Documentation version: 2.1.2

This document serves to guide you through modding your Chao World, and is aimed at beginner modders looking to dip their feet into Sonic Adventure 2 Chao Modding.

This is a rehaul of the old modding documentation, which was initially only used for Chao World Extended modding. In future versions of this document, other mods will be included in the documentation.

To get started, click one of the items in the list on the left of this section!


  • Version 2.1.2

    • Refactored: Moved generic project setup to the designated Development Environment Setup page.
    • Updated: SAIO and Blender version
    • Updated: Social Cards
  • Version 2.1.1

    • Fixed: Clarification on versioning for SAIO and Blender
    • Updated the guide to the new mod loader method (the new hotness!)
    • Fixed: Lens documentation missing IDs
    • Added: Chao Palletes and Textures guide
  • Version 2.1.0

    • Added: Character Chao using Custom Accessories.
    • Added: Character Chao Warning for changing positions.
    • Added: Nodes for horns in Animal Modding Reference Table.
    • Added: Troubleshooting for Black Market bugs.
    • Fixed: Custom Models in Lenses references Hats.
    • Fixed: Fruit doesn't have registerRare and registerCommon function calls.
    • Added: Warning about setting up projects, Don't use UWP DLL projects.
    • Added: feature to check if CWE is loaded
  • Version 2.0.1

    • Fixed: Lens link not working (now added to the project code)
    • added further code examples in Tools for users to peek into.
    • Added Changelog for historical purposes.
  • Version 2.0

    • Initial Release of the new Chao World Modding Documentation.