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Chao Data Structure

Below, you'll find some useful values of the ChaoDataBase Struct which is used in the fruit stat function to modify the Chao's attributes accordingly. Please make sure to clamp your values as anything outside of the value scope will provide unintended consequences to the game and/or the Chao.

Data Type Variable Description
char[7] Name Name of the Chao
char[8] StatGrades Stat grades from D to S
char[8] StatLevels Stat levels from 0 to 99
int16[8] StatPoints Stat points from 0 to 9999
ChaoType Type Type of Chao - View SA2Structs.h for more info
char Garden Garden the Chao is in
int16 Happiness Chao Happiness
int16 InKindergarten Is the Chao in Kindergarten?
int16 lifespan Lifespan 1
int16 lifespan2 Lifespan 2
int16 Reincarnations How many reincarnations a Chao had
float PowerRun Power/Run Stat Influence, - for Power, + for Run
float FlySwim Fly/Swim Stat Influence, - for Fly, + for Swim
float Alignment Chao Alignment, -1 for Dark, 0 for Normal, 1 for Hero
float EvolutionProgress Magnitude
char HideFeet Hide the feet of the Chao?
ChaoDNA DNA Chao DNA struct - view SA2Structs.h for more info

Some useful data structures to look at in SA2Structs.h:

  • ChaoType
  • ChaoEmotions
  • ChaoCharacterBond
  • ChaoDNA