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Character Chao using Custom Accessories

This code was given to us by Exant and RAYTRAC3R for using accessories to evolve Character Chao:

    static bool ScarabEvolve(ObjectMaster* tp)
        Uint16* accessories = (Uint16*)((int)(tp->Data1.Chao->ChaoDataBase_ptr) + 0x614);
        Uint8 eye_color = *(Uint8*)((int)(tp->Data1.Chao->ChaoDataBase_ptr) + 0x59A);

        if (eye_color == 7 && accessories[Face] == (ScarabMaskID + 1))
            //PrintDebug("Chao evolving into Scarab");
            return true;
            return false;

Let's break it down:

Uint16* accessories = (Uint16*)((int)(tp->Data1.Chao->ChaoDataBase_ptr) + 0x614); - This points to the list of Accessory IDs.

Uint8 eye_color = *(Uint8*)((int)(tp->Data1.Chao->ChaoDataBase_ptr) + 0x59A); - This points to the eye color list.

How do we use it in context of an accessory?

Simple. We check for what type and add 1 to the number (the index is offset by 1)

Let's make our own example:

static bool ExampleEvolve(ObjectMaster* tp)
        Uint16* accessories = (Uint16*)((int)(tp->Data1.Chao->ChaoDataBase_ptr) + 0x614);

        if (accessories[Generic1] == ExampleAccessoryID + 1)
            return true;

as you can tell, we can utilize Head, Face, Generic1 and Generic2 inside the accessories variable we created, and we can find our accessory ID that way, too. We just have to add 1 to the index list otherwise we won't get wht we're looking for.