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Fortune Teller Name Mods


  • Have completed the Making a DLL Project section
  • Basic C++ Programming Skills
  • Chao World Extended (Versions > 9.5)
  • Patience

What is a "Fortune Teller Name"

The Fortune teller in the Chao Kindergarten can give random names to a player which can be customized by adding names to the preset and CWE names. CWE names can be 12 characters long, and is the easiest of the Chao World Extended mods to make. All you need is your DLL Project and your mod.ini file.


It is recommended to only use alphanumeric characters, as the fortune teller adding system does not support every type of character.


Above the CWELoad function, add a char * variable. For example:

char TestName[12] = "testname";

Inside the CWELoad function, use the cwe_api API method and call the RegisterFoName() function. RegisterFoName() takes one argument: the char * variable you created just outside the function.

For example:


Building the Project:

Your solution configuration should be "Release" and your solution platform should be "x86" so that your mod is small, and does not have the additional code inside your mod. Your configurations should look like the following image below:

configuration and platform

Build the project by pressing F6 or going to Build -> Build Solution. If you have a "Build Succeeded" in your tooltip at the bottom left of your Visual Studio window, proceed. If you have a "Build Failed" message, have a look at the Sample mod to see where you went wrong, and try again.

Creating the mod:

If you haven't followed Making a Project, set up your mod folder. Copy the DLL file from inside your release folder into your mod folder and edit your "mod.ini" file to contain your DLLFile. For example:


Save your "mod.ini" file and test your mod!


As there are a lot of custom names in Chao World Extended, it may take some time for your custom name to appear.